With optparse-applicative, you declare your program's options in one place, and
get nicely formatted --help
text and bash auto-completion for free.
A "getting started" guide and API documentation can be found here. There's plenty of good information in the API docs.
Here's an example:
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Options.Applicative
data Opts = Opts
{ optFlag :: !Bool
, optVal :: !String
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser optsParser
(concat ["Hello, ", optVal opts, ", the flag is ", show (optFlag opts)])
optsParser :: ParserInfo Opts
optsParser =
(helper <*> versionOption <*> programOptions)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "optparse example" <>
"optparse-example - a small example program for optparse-applicative")
versionOption :: Parser (a -> a)
versionOption = infoOption "0.0" (long "version" <> help "Show version")
programOptions :: Parser Opts
programOptions =
Opts <$> switch (long "some-flag" <> help "Set the flag") <*>
(long "some-value" <> metavar "VALUE" <> value "default" <>
help "Override default name")
Without arguments, this program outputs Hello, default! The flag is False
. If
you run this program with the --help
argument, you get this output:
optparse example
Usage: optparse-example.hs [--version] [--help] [--some-flag]
[--some-value VALUE]
A small example program for optparse-applicative
Available options:
--version Show version
--help Show this help text
--some-flag Set the flag
--some-value VALUE Override default name
Now use the arguments --some-flag --some-value world
, and the output changes
to: Hello, world! The flag is True
In addition, --version
will display the version and exit immediately.
It's also easy to create a program with multiple sub-commands:
{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables#-}
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Options.Applicative
data Opts = Opts
{ optGlobalFlag :: !Bool
, optCommand :: !Command
data Command
= Create String
| Delete
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts :: Opts) <- execParser optsParser
case optCommand opts of
Create name -> putStrLn ("Created the thing named " ++ name)
Delete -> putStrLn "Deleted the thing!"
putStrLn ("global flag: " ++ show (optGlobalFlag opts))
optsParser :: ParserInfo Opts
optsParser =
(helper <*> versionOption <*> programOptions)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "optparse subcommands example" <>
"optparse-sub-example - a small example program for optparse-applicative with subcommands")
versionOption :: Parser (a -> a)
versionOption = infoOption "0.0" (long "version" <> help "Show version")
programOptions :: Parser Opts
programOptions =
Opts <$> switch (long "global-flag" <> help "Set a global flag") <*>
hsubparser (createCommand <> deleteCommand)
createCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
createCommand =
(info createOptions (progDesc "Create a thing"))
createOptions :: Parser Command
createOptions =
Create <$>
strArgument (metavar "NAME" <> help "Name of the thing to create")
deleteCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
deleteCommand =
(info (pure Delete) (progDesc "Delete the thing"))
Now you can pass the arguments create foo
, and the output will be:
Created the thing named foo
global flag: False
In this case the create
subcommand only has a
single option, but as with global options you can put together multiple option
parsers using the Applicative operators (Constructor <$> arg1 <*> arg2 <*> ...
The parser's Alternative instance lets you require one argument out of a group
of possibilities by separating them with <|>
. For example, (strOption (long "foo") <|> strOption (long "bar"))
requires either the --foo
or --bar
So far, we have used strOption
to parse a simple String option, but this will
not work if your option has a different datatype such as Int
. For this case,
you can usually use option auto
instead, which will use the Read instance to
parse the argument, and fail gracefully if it cannot be parsed.
It's also possible to define your own reader and pass it to option
for custom
parsing. For example, this will parse a date in the "Jun 12, 1977" format:
import Data.Time
dayReader :: ReadM Day
dayReader = eitherReader $ \arg ->
case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%b %d, %Y" arg of
Nothing -> Left ("Cannot parse date: " ++ arg)
Just day -> Right day
Then use option dayReader (long "some-date")
for the option parser.
For options of type Text
, you have to do things a bit differently. Using
option auto
would require quotes around the argument value (which, in a shell,
means escaping the quotes like \"text\"
) since that's what the Read
instance expects. Instead, use the parser's Functor instance to pack a regular
String to Text. For example, fmap T.pack (strOption (long "some-text"))
Better yet, define textOption
import qualified Data.Text as T
textOption :: Mod OptionFields String -> Parser T.Text
textOption = fmap T.pack . strOption
These examples have only shown a few of the types of option parsers (switch
, etc.) and their options (long
, help
, etc.), but you can read
haddocks for Options.Applicative.Builder
for the full list. It's worth browsing through the whole thing to get a sense of
all the possibilities.
It's often nice take the version number from your Cabal package rather than have
to repeat it in the source code. To do that, import Paths_your_package (version)
(adjust "your_package" to match your package's name). It's also nice
to include the Git commit ID of your project in the --version
for traceability, which the gitrev
library makes easy.
Here's an example that puts them together. Notice that you must enable the
TemplateHaskell extension for $(gitHash)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Development.GitRev (gitHash)
import Options.Applicative
import Paths_optparse_example (version)
main :: IO ()
main = do
s <- execParser optsParser
print s
optsParser = info (helper <*> versionOption <*> strArgument mempty) mempty
versionOption =
(concat [showVersion version, " ", $(gitHash)])
(long "version" <> help "Show version")
Now the --version
output looks like this: 9cc1dbd020c2a42e2bd93204d517470c5781bbf2
Every program using optparse-applicative gets hidden arguments to support bash
auto-completion. For your own personal use, you run this or add it this to your
eval "$(myprog --bash-completion-script myprog)"
To install the bash completion system-wide, put the output of --bash-completion-script where your system looks for it. For example, on Ubuntu:
myprog --bash-completion-script myprog >/etc/bash_completion.d/myprog